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Automated Resume Uploader: The Self-Driving Drive

Watch the demo video here.

Built using Python 3, and utilizing the Google Drive API.

With lots of job-sites offering the ability to upload one's resume via Google Drive (and seeing that very often I am working so I am applying for jobs on my phone), the need to have my current resume in my Drive is crucial. While this is by no means a laborious task like, say, the Google Calendar Scheduler is; this is still something that takes just enough time to be worth automating.

After a fresh update to my resume, I simply run this script and it will peek into where I keep my resumes, grab RESUME_X, and put it into Google Drive without needing to open up a web browser. As I've mentioned before, this wasn't super difficult, but it did give me some much needed experience in playing around with more of Google's APIs.

© 2024 by Mason Stooksbury

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