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Google Calendar Scheduler: Automating a Nightmare

Watch the demo video here.

Built using Python 3, and utilizing the Google Calendar API.

Working at Olive Garden is hard enough, being able to work with my wife makes it a little better, but having to add 10+ events to Google Calendar is hands down the worst part. I have to add a custom title to each one (so each of us knows who is working), I have to put in the location, the date, the start time, the end time, a different color (for ease of use to quickly see what days we work), etc. Why don't I set these as recurring, you ask? Because they change from week to week. So I have to change them every single week, and it easily takes 20-25 minutes.

So I decided to make my life a lot easier and automate all of it with Python.

This program is easily my favorite automated project. I can either add singular events (Work or Regular) or I can provide a file (where each shift contains only the letter of our first name, 4-digit date (MMDD), and 4-digit time (HHMM)) and it will automatically load the location, pick the color for each specific user, create a unique title for each user, change the date format to work for Google's API (YYYY-MM-DD), automatically generate an end time, and change the time formats to (HH:MM:SS) and populate my Google Calendar with every shift. The file also checks to see if I input a "Double" shift. A double shift is when I work in the morning, and then in the afternoon; all I have to do here is provide the user initial like before, then the letter 'D', and then both start times. Everything else is handled normally, and all without having to open up a single web browser.

This beautiful program changed a 20-25 minute ordeal into an easy, 3-minute task that I honestly look forward to each week.

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