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The TeleStation: Controlling My Home via SMS

Read the full report here.

Check out some pics here and here.

Check out some short teaser videos here and here.

Built using Python 3, and utilizing The TeleCommander, several remote control outlet switches, my Raspberry Pi 3, Flask, Twilio, and Serveo.

In short, The TeleStation is a Python script always running on my Raspberry Pi that allows me to operate several remote-controlled outlet switches (“clickers” as my wife and I call them) simply by sending it a text message from my phone. This texting ability is accomplished by using The TeleCommander.

The clickers come with a remote control in order to turn them on and off. From here, I removed the buttons and replaced them with transistors and wired the base of each to a different GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi. From here, once The TeleStation receives an HTTP request from Twilio, it will verify the security code, then execute the command with its appropriate clicker, finally sending a response back to Twilio if needed. This allows me the ability to do things like turn my coffee pot on and off from anywhere in the house, or my lamp, or whatever else I plug into the various clickers.


I am able to control different clickers by sending a text message.

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