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S.A.R.A.H.: The Angry Robot

Watch the demo video here.

Read the odd history behind the logo here.

Built using Python 3 and pyttsx3 (Python Text-to-Speech x-platform).


Originally created as a class project in Fall of 2017, we were tasked with adding custom responses to the LISP implementation of the famous ELIZA psycho-therapist program. While other students simply added clever responses, I decided to take it a step further and create the [S]arcastic [A]nd [R]ude [A]rgumentative [H]umanoid, or S.A.R.A.H. She has the same responses now as she did then (and more!) but she looks a little different: Fast forward to July of 2018, and I have updated S.A.R.A.H. to Python 3.

S.A.R.A.H. is different from her predecessor ELIZA in that she is not helpful. At all. She will blame you for your mistakes, berate you, make fun of you, call you names, and seem genuinely displeased that she has to talk to you. Did I mention she can actually talk? I did this by utilizing pyttsx3 (a Python Text-to-Speech platform) in order to give her an audible voice. And with over 250+ responses, she has a lot to say!

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