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OEM N64 Expansion Pak: Documenting The Original

Check it out on GitHub here!

See a video of it working here!



Built using KiCad and ordered from PCBWay.


The Expansion Pak (or EP) was an add-on for the Nintendo64 console that gave it 4MB of extra RAM. This allowed for better textures and increased performance on some games; whereas other games like Donkey Kong 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask require the EP to operate.

I'm currently working on making a different EP that uses old stock and a different layout, but I wanted to recreate the original as there is currently no electrical schematic or PCB available on the internet. There's been a lot of work done by very smart people to document other components of the board in this way including the console's motherboard, controllers, and other adapters, but nothing for the EP. This project aimed to fill that gap so that future enthusiasts can see how it functions and make modifications if necessary.

Electrical schematic for the Expansion Pak
Front 3D render
Back 3D render

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