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MockBotSquarePants: The Mocking Discord Bot

Check it out on Github here!

Add to your Discord server here!

Built using Python 3, the Discord Bot API, and hosted on CubeHosting ($0.50/month!).

Often I find myself in Discord really wanting to mock one of my friends for something stupid they've just said or if I just want to be sarcastic for fun. The best way to do that is by alternating capitalization in a string of text. The internet has associated this with a generally mocking tone of voice; often paired with the Spongebob picture for this project.

An example:

Mom: "I thought I told you to clean your room!"

Me: "i ThOuGhT i ToLd YoU tO cLeAn YoUr RoOm!"

The bot is capable of deleting the message that invoked it, so it looks as if the bot is mocking someone of its own accord. Which is a pretty neat feature. There is also a hidden Easter Egg :)

This project was pretty fun, and taught me a lot about how Discord bots work, as well as opened my eyes a little to the potential that they can have to do some pretty cool things. Since this project, I've made multiple Discord bots as a freelancer ranging from simple notification bots to full-fledged admin and moderation bots.

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